Privacy Policy

Accessing your information

You are in control of any personal information you provide to us online. If at any time you would like to correct the personal information we have about you, please contact us. In order to review any personal information we have collected about you via this website or to ask us to delete that information or to stop further use of the information, please contact us.

What Happens to the information we collect from you?

All information you provide will be kept confidential and is used to support our business relationship and the service we provide. This website uses an order inquiry form to allow you to request information, products and services. We collect your contact information (such as your e-mail address or your company information) to allow us to send samples, orders, information about our products, and promotional materials. Your contact information is also used to get in touch with you when necessary.

Personal Information Disclosure
One Promo will not give or sell any information you provided to any third parties under any circumstances for its use in marketing or solicitation without your consent. The information protected includes any information about you, your order, and your purchase history.